AlexSandra Leslie

AlexSandra believes we are here to awaken and live a miraculous life. For 30 years she has been a highly sought after coach and mentor to leaders in Fortune 500 companies for leadership, communications and change. AlexSandra has also been a devoted teacher of meditation for over 40 years and is now putting her expertise and creativity into supporting those ready to discover their true nature and live life from wholeness. AlexSandra’s focus today is on helping women unfold and live the life they were meant to live in joy, ease, health and delight. By helping you shift your perspectives and use practical tools, she helps you release the stress and traumas from your past, allowing freedom into your experience and awakening you to why you are here and how to live from love.

With a Master’s degree in Communications and Human Behavior, coaching certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programing, Conscious Living and Loving, Results Coaching, The Sedona Method, Myers Briggs and Transcendental Meditation, her greatest love is sharing her expertise as a Master Trainer and Certified Energy Codes Coach and applying it to the amazing lifestyle training of Your Year of Miracles.

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