For all questions, comments or concerns fill out the form below to send us a quick message. You can also use the email addresses below to contact our Miracles Client Happiness team.
For all questions, comments or concerns fill out the form below to send us a quick message. You can also use the email addresses below to contact our Miracles Client Happiness team.
Learn more about Leila:
Leila is a lead coach with Your Year of Miracles. She has a Masters in Social Work, is a Hakomi graduate (somatic psychotherapy) and a licensed facilitator of Get Clients Now™. Leila is certified in Conscious Uncoupling™, Spiritual Divorce, Calling in “The One” and Best Year of Your Life.
Leila knows how to set healthy boundaries in her own life. After successfully healing herself of childhood trauma, she now lives a life filled with safety, reliability, and authenticity. She can help you do the same.
Leila is known for her compassionate and gentle strength and capacity to insightfully guide you along your journey and remember yourself as being inherently whole and complete as you are. She has been called a miracle worker by her clients and will help you create the miraculous life you’ve been longing for.
Valentina is a Certified Louise Hay Heal Your Life Workshop Leader and Life Coach. She is also a Deepak Chopra Center Trained Life Coach, and coached Chopra Center clients for the duration of their coaching program (2017 and 2018), and is currently a Certified Chopra Center Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher.
She was personally mentored for a year by Marci Shimoff in 2013, and was certified by Marci as a Happiness Ambassador and Love Ambassador.
As the founder of KickAss Joy Life Coaching, Valentina believes that every single one of us, no matter what we’ve been through, and no matter where we are today, deserves the best that life has to offer. She’d love to help you discover your magnificence and claim all the good that is waiting for you.
Learn more about Gina:
Gina has a wealth of experience supporting people who have trusted her to help them fulfill their goals and execute their visions both personally and professionally. Since receiving her certification from The Coaches Training Institute in 2009, her primary focus has been supporting women in transition to step more fully into their power.
Gina enjoys partnering with her clients, creating space for them to develop a vision of their best life while connecting to their most powerful self so they can attract the abundance, health, joy and love they desire. She’s an intuitive and a deep listener with the ability to teach individuals how to tap into, trust and embody their own wisdom while creating an authentic plan to move forward with clarity and confidence.
Gina is deeply involved in the development and growth of the Your Year of Miracles program, teachings, and practices. She is a Happy for No Reason Certified Trainer as well as an Energy Codes Facilitator. This is her seventh year coaching for the program. She also works side-by-side with Marci Shimoff to support her vision and run her business operations.
Learn more about Judith:
2022 will be Judith’s seventh year as a coach for Your Year of Miracles. Judith loves this program! She loves seeing the uniqueness of each client and how the knowledge and practices of YOM transforms, nourishes and enriches their lives and brings a deeper sense of peace, joy and happiness. Judith’s warm and yet inquisitive approach allows for a safe and open space to create effective, powerful practices for living in the Miracle Zone.
Judith has worked with diverse populations for more than 20 years; from active duty military service members and their families, to those experiencing grief and loss, the adoption triad, and many others working through life transitions. She has completed The Energy Codes Certified Facilitator Program and the Happy for No Reason training. Judith has also studied Interpersonal Neurobiology with Daniel Siegel, Somatic Experiencing with Peter Levine, juvenile justice mediation as well as becoming a Transcendental Meditation teacher in the early 70’s. Not to mention, Judith has the distinction of having been Marci Shimoff’s roommate in 1980!
Christina has been part of Your Year of Miracles since the beginning. She participated in the Accelerated & Inner Circle programs and then she manifested one of her best miracles; she became a coach for YOM.
Christina is a certified Embodiment Coach, Happy for No Reason Trainer, Energy Codes Facilitator, Body Awake Yoga Instructor and BEST (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) Practitioner who helps you harmonize the power of your mind with your heart’s desires. She excels at helping you gain scintillating clarity and then take inspired action towards your vivid vision and intentions. She works with you on both energetic and practical levels so that you experience profound healing and leave each session with strategic steps on what to do next.
She’s also an international speaker, a Certified Speaker Trainer, a former podcast host, a regular blogger, and the author of a #1 International Best Selling book on Amazon. She’s currently working on a new 5 book series.
Christina holds space for your dreams, so that you will experience increased self-love, abundance, inner richness and a better understanding of how to harness the power of the Universe to support you in your highest good.
As the creator of Courageous Self-Care, Christina is passionate about helping women learn to lead their families from a place of wholeness, overflowing energy and deep self-respect. Christina knows families! She and her husband have had an epic 23 year marriage and their two children (13 and 16 years) brighten every room they enter.
Christina is excited to amplify your experience in the Miracle Zone and support you in living the best year of your life.
Learn more about Lenora:
As a Happiness Mindset Coach for the last 31 years, Lenora created Italy Retreats for Women — transformational travel combined with Sweet Life Workshops that offer women the opportunity to create profound happiness and release limiting beliefs, while feasting on every delight that Italy has to offer.
Lenora is also a Certified Happy For No Reason Trainer, Option Method Facilitator, and Parenting Coach, who specializes in helping women become the most authentic version of themselves. She is an expert in compassionately helping you break free from limiting beliefs while feeling cared for, nurtured and safe. The results are living a life of greater freedom and joy, manifesting success with confidence, gaining more trust in your intuition and experiencing delicious inner peace.
She has been a colleague, teacher, and coach to Marci Shimoff. They have shared studies and the journey of personal growth together for the last four decades. Lenora has been happily married for 40 years and is the mother of two delightful adult children and nonna to Charlie.
Lenora believes that you can live life on your own terms and fulfill your heart’s desires. She lives la dolce vita – the sweet life – and supports you to do the same. She will always be in your corner listening deeply and cheering you on.
Being a Miracles Coach for the last 3 years, she is committed to helping you live in the Miracle Zone and put your ‘sweet life’ in motion.
A private session with Alex facilitates an opening to the unlimited possibilities, potential, and peace that lie within each of us. Intuitive, insightful, healing, and transformative, her sessions are an invitation to directly awaken and access your heart’s own deepest wisdom.
Alex’s clients consistently experience a profound transmission of Grace which dissolves all blocks to their happiness and success. Alex has had the blessing of studying directly with great teachers and spiritual masters and has opened herself to being a vessel for the transforming power of Love.
Alex is a certified Happy for No Reason Trainer, a meditation teacher and spiritual coach for more than 40 years, a former television anchorwoman, a successful media consultant, former owner of a million-dollar business, and is in certification training with Co-Active Coach Training Institute in San Rafael. She is also a graduate of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, has completed trainings with Dr. Hew Len in Ho’oponopono, as well as with Zen Hospice Project, and Metta Institute in End of Life care, among others. She holds a BA in Humanities/Philosophy from CSUC.
Diane is a Certified Life Coach, Relationship Coach and a Parenting Coach. She has been coaching in these areas for 12 years. Diane has over 30 years as a qualified Elementary School Teacher. Diane has her BS in Elementary Education. She received her coaching certifications from the International Coaching Academy and the Relationship Coaching Institute. Diane has been with Your Year of Miracles for one year.
Diane is down to earth and makes people feel comfortable. She listens deeply and her ability to empathize is healing. She helps people clarify their thinking which allows for more powerful goal setting. Diane hears the joy and excitement as clients share. This ability helps her clients take relevant and powerful steps in achieving goals for a more fulfilling life.
You will feel loved, supported and heard by Diane.
Learn more about Diane:
Diane Albano is committed to and promotes lifelong growth and development for herself and others. As an educator for over 40 years, Diane has supported and coached many individuals and teams to believe and to know they can create lives that are far greater than their circumstances.
As Founder of her own business in 2010, LEAD Consulting and Coaching, Diane became a certified coach, Dream Builder Coach, Life Mastery Consultant and Happy For No Reason Trainer.
Diane works with womens’ groups to empower them to speak their truth with confidence and love. Diane is honored to have Marci Shimoff endorse her 2020 published book, The Art of Being Nice, Own Your Voice for Greater Fulfillment.
Diane loves to support and help women to believe in themselves, build confidence and to take the leap for what they are most desiring. This is Diane’s third year as an active YOM member and Inner Circle participant.
Nothing compares to the joy that Damariz feels when she witnesses the happiness her clients experience as they discover their true essence and manifest lives filled with joy. For the past 10+ years, Damariz has supported and guided others through the process of dreaming and building lives that reflect what they really want in life. Her specialty is knowing how to teach others to tap into their own greatness and transform their lives from Day One.
Damariz understands that alignment with one’s heart is at the core of life’s satisfaction and mastery. She has studied heart-focused breathing, and as a certified HeartMath® mentor, is able to guide clients through the process of getting coherent with their heart’s desires.
Damariz is a certified DreamBuilder® Coach through the Brave Thinking Institute, a certified Law of Attraction Coach through the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and she’s completing certification as a Happy for No Reason® Trainer
Jean Wallace is a Certified Chopra Center Health Coach, a Certified Leading an Authentic Life Facilitator and an Energy Sciences Teacher and practitioner. Jean focuses on lifecycle transitions, managing burnout and overwhelm and building a fulfilling career while creating a healthy, inspired life. A single mom for 2 decades she deeply understands the challenges that women face in the world today. Her passion is to invite her clients to focus on their whole self, guiding them to ultimately discover and embrace their vibrant, powerful self, supporting them to reach their highest personal potential. Jean has a BA in Marketing and an MBA and has studied under numerous masters of the Energy Sciences including Dr. Sue Mortar, Be Life Institute for Higher Consciousness, and Satori Qigong Academy.
Karen Hamby is a Certified Energy Leadership Coach, Energy Codes Coach, Energy Codes Master Trainer and Certified B.E.S.T Practitioner who helps women step into their own magnificence with a system for creating Abundance, Success and Happiness from the inside out in all areas of their life.
As the Founder of Possibilities 8, “Generating Success and Wellbeing”, Karen originates and facilitates online courses such as Reclaim Your Life and The Energy Leadership Project along with customizing multiple live and virtual training programs and mastermind groups. She believes personal and spiritual development are needed now more than ever before. A mentor is a guide who has walked the path before, here to support you with their skills & ability to encourage you as you discover your true path. That’s why she developed a system based on her own journey that will fully support you in whatever level of expansion you seek.
Karen’s work is based on 30 years of experience as a successful business leader, business owner, multifaceted trainings and wisdom gained from her life journey. She has been personally mentored by Dr. Sue Morter during her 9 +year in depth study of The Energy Codes. This extensive training is coupled with the love and wisdom that comes from living her life through the eyes of 4 generations: her mother, daughter and 6 year old grandson.
Mary Garvey Horst is a certified Energy Codes® Coach, Master Trainer and BEST/Spiritual BEST certified practitioner who is dedicated to helping her clients embody their authentic Essence by integrating mind, body and spirit for a life of greater positivity, health, wellness and personal abundance.
Mary believes that expanding into a whole and flourishing life means tapping into your innate wisdom to move beyond perceived limitations or energetic blockages. With Mary as your coach, you will establish an inner alignment with what is working in your favor and release what is no longer supportive of your highest good. From this place of grounded awareness, you will naturally exude higher levels of peace, joy, gratitude, and hope. As a trained psychotherapist, her relational process with clients is informed by Jungian-based dream analysis and depth psychology. This wisdom facilitates each session dropping quickly into what truly matters.
In addition to her Energy Code® certifications, Mary holds Master’s Degrees in Social Work and Religious Studies, and additional certifications in Guiding Mindful Change and NeuroPositive Life Coaching. She is an E-RYT 200, RYT-500 member of the Yoga Alliance having received her training through the Prajna School of Yoga in Santa Fe, NM. She is also certified as a Lead Trainer for the BodyAwake® School of Yoga and was instrumental in the development of revised online coursework. She is a lifetime seeker of spirituality, with a devoted yoga and meditation practice and is the proud mother of three creative, funny, and compassionate adult children.
A natural optimist with strong positivity and empathy, Liz knows that visualizing outcomes, removing obstacles and taking action is key to achieving goals and living a miraculous life. With Liz as your coach, you’ll have a cheerleader in your corner and a partner to work with you in becoming the best you possible. Liz has coached hundreds of women helping them build strong self-esteem and self-worth, develop unshakeable confidence, defeat imposter syndrome and visibility gremlins, and master challenging conversations and conflict for healthy, flourishing relationships. As a busy wife and mother herself, she knows that self-care, self-love and self-prioritization are the antidote to overwhelm, stress and burnout.
Liz has a bachelor’s degree in communications and concentration in psychology and nearly 20 years of experience.
Jackie is a certified life, career and strengths coach, specializing in helping women recognize, embrace and master their innate talents and individual strengths. Her practical and empathetic approach to coaching brings success in both her clients’ personal and professional lives.
Naturally intuitive with a deep passion for learning, Jackie knows that understanding our talents, strengths, and motivators inform our personal purpose and are key to creating our best life. With Jackie as your coach, you’ll have a thought-partner who applies empathy, logic and reason to your journey in becoming your very best. Jackie has coached numerous women to help them see their value as unique, diverse, splendid individuals — bringing out greatness in themselves and others.
Jackie has a master’s degree in organization development, a bachelor’s degree in organizational behavior and is certified as a Gallup StrengthsFinder coach and change management practitioner. She is an active and devoted mother to her teenage daughter.
Learn more about Alexsandra:
AlexSandra combines her 30 years as a highly sought after coach and mentor to leaders in Fortune 500 companies on leadership, communications, and change, with her over 40 years as a teacher of meditation to support those ready to discover their true nature and live life from a place of wholeness.
AlexSandra’s current focus is on helping women unfold and live the life they were meant to live in joy, ease, health and delight. She helps her clients shift their perspectives and use practical tools to release the stress and traumas from their past, allowing them to experience more freedom. She supports her clients to awaken to why they are here and guides them in how to live from love.
She has a Master’s degree in Communications and Human Behavior, coaching certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programing, Conscious Living and Loving, Results Coaching, The Sedona Method, Myers Briggs and Transcendental Meditation. Her greatest joy is sharing her expertise as a Master Trainer and Certified Energy Codes Coach and supporting people in the amazing lifestyle training of Your Year of Miracles.
Suzanne Lawlor has been a coach for over 25 years. She has been coaching in the Your Year of Miracles program since 2016 and served as YOM’s Director of Coaching for four years. She brings her power, focused commitment and intuitive problem solving skills to help her clients maximize their capabilities for greater impact and effectiveness in their careers and their lives in general.
Suzanne works both as a life coach, and in corporations as a leadership coach. Her life coaching centers around embodiment, soul-based transformation and personal empowerment. Her corporate coaching focuses on Presence and Communication skills providing clients the ability to engage and motivate others. Her process includes CoActive coaching, NLP strategies, future-paced visioning, target goal setting, accountability ownership, and stress management.
Suzanne is a passionate life-learner who loves supporting people to live their hopes and dreams.
In all her pursuits, the union of spirituality and loving, compassionate service has been Suzanne’s guiding light—helping people to develop richer lives—spiritually, materially, and emotionally, and supporting those in crisis or transition. As well as being a YOM Master Coach, she is a Master Trainer and Faculty member for the Energy Codes, a BEST and Spiritual BEST Practitioner, NLP Trainer and Coach, a One-on-One Facilitator of the Sedona Method, a Certified Facilitator for the Passion Test, Mentor and Trainer for the Center for Soulful Living and teacher of Transcendental Meditation.