Cari Garcia
Learn More About Cari:
Cari has a natural ability to bring out the best in others. As a successful business owner and championship ballroom dancer, and she has traveled the world coaching and training people from all walks of life to become successful in both their business and personal lives.
As an Energy Codes Coach and Happy For No Reason Certified Trainer, Cari supports her clients in breaking through limiting beliefs that so often hold them stuck in place. Her boundless care and compassion is at the heart of her work. She creates a nurturing space for energetic shifts to happen , opening her clients to amazing possibilities and allowing them to create what they most desire.
Cari was personally mentored by Marci Shimoff in Your Miraculous Life Mentoring Program. She knows firsthand the value of one-on-one support in accelerating miracles and how to help her clients get the most out of the magic that lies within them.