Christina Marlett
Learn more about Christina:
Christina has been part of Your Year of Miracles since the beginning. She participated in the Accelerated & Inner Circle programs and then she manifested one of her best miracles; she became a coach for YOM.
Christina is a certified Embodiment Coach, Happy for No Reason Trainer, Energy Codes Facilitator, Body Awake Yoga Instructor and BEST (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique) Practitioner who helps you harmonize the power of your mind with your heart’s desires. She excels at helping you gain scintillating clarity and then take inspired action towards your vivid vision and intentions. She works with you on both energetic and practical levels so that you experience profound healing and leave each session with strategic steps on what to do next.
She’s also an international speaker, a Certified Speaker Trainer, a former podcast host, a regular blogger, and the author of a #1 International Best Selling book on Amazon. She’s currently working on a new 5 book series.
Christina holds space for your dreams, so that you will experience increased self-love, abundance, inner richness and a better understanding of how to harness the power of the Universe to support you in your highest good.
As the creator of Courageous Self-Care, Christina is passionate about helping women learn to lead their families from a place of wholeness, overflowing energy and deep self-respect. Christina knows families! She and her husband have had an epic 23 year marriage and their two children (13 and 16 years) brighten every room they enter.
Christina is excited to amplify your experience in the Miracle Zone and support you in living the best year of your life.