Marti Hubbard
Learn more about Marti:
After a successful 20-year career in real estate as an agent, broker, and residential property manager, Marti transitioned to intuitive life coaching to assist others in realizing their full potential. After 13 years teaching meditation and intuitive life coaching, Marti has developed a unique ability to assist clients in moving past self-imposed obstacles and continue towards their life’s purpose.
Marti has been part of the Your Year of Miracles community for 3 years and is a Certified Happy for No Reason Trainer, Certified Angelic Healing Practitioner, Founder and Master Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy, and is Certified by Doreen Virtue in Mediumship and Past Life Reading.
Today, Marti applies her expertise in the principles of Year of Miracles, Happy for No reason Trainer, Certified Angelic Healing, Angel Therapy and Co-Active coaching as a dedicated spiritual advisor, intuitive life coach, teacher, and writer living her dreams in Malibu, California.
Marti shares her transformative journey in vivid detail in her debut book, You Are Worthy! Manifesting What You Want in Life.