Learn more about Jean:
Jean shares practical perspectives helping both women and men adeptly flow with the dynamics of life and apply key tools to achieve their life goals and potential. Her passion is to invite everyone she interfaces with to focus on their life from all perspectives: Career, Family, Health, Spiritual and Community; guiding them to ultimately discover and embrace the plethora of possibilities and opportunities for fulfillment and balance. She assists her clients through lifecycle transitions, managing day to day struggles such as boundary setting, burnout, overwhelm, finding motivation and building a fulfilling career while creating a healthy, inspired life.
Jean is a Certified Chopra Center Health Coach, a Certified Leading an Authentic Life Facilitator and an Energy Sciences Teacher and practitioner. With a 30-year background in Fortune 50 corporations as a c-suite executive and SVP of Human Resources, while a single mom for her two daughters, she deeply understands the challenges parents face in the world today. She has transitioned over the past few years into entrepreneurship, building her own coaching business, applying her life lessons and openly sharing with her clients. Jean has a BA in Marketing and an MBA and has studied under numerous masters of the Energy Sciences including Dr. Sue Mortar, Be Life Institute for Higher Consciousness, Wisdom Institute for Leadership and Global Advancement, and the Satori Qigong Academy.
Jean has been a member of Your Year of Miracles for 3 years, with 2023 being her second year as a coach for the organization. She loves the abundance and energies this program brings to its clients and is honored to be a member of both the program and the coaches team.
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