Learn more about Kris:
As the creator of Choosing Happiness Today Life Coaching, Kris starts with the premise that “It’s good to feel good!” I love to work with what I call the “perfect organizing system”. This is a system based on taking spiritually aligned action backed by the foundational laws of the Universe. When you create from this powerful place of alignment, miracles become the norm and life changes in very significant ways. Things that used to seem so hard, become easy; there is a predictable flow to life and you begin living life from a place of peace and happiness.
Kris was certified through the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. She is trained in various energy modalities including Light Body, Access Bars and PSYCH-K.
Kris has been a student of the Year of Miracles for the entirety of the program and was personally mentored by Marci Shimoff in her life changing “Your Miraculous Life Program”. This is Kris’ fifth year as a coach in the Year of Miracles program and her third year as an Inner Circle Coach. Welcome to the Miracle Zone!
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